ISSN: 2319-5835
Cultural and religious dimension of sacred groves of Ziro Valley, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Corresponding Author: Dr. Md. Asghar, Department of Anthropology, Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh-791112
Email address: md.asghar@rgu.ac.in
KEYWORDS Apatani, Arunachal Pradesh, Sacred Grove, Tribe, Ziro Valley
Introduction: Nature and culture are related in such a way that culture is shaped by its surrounding nature, thereby maintaining harmony with nature and preserving biodiversity. Indigenous communities worldwide have traditional conservation practices like protecting a small area of forest patches by associating it with cultural or/and religious attributes known as sacred groves, which harbour rich biodiversity. The present study focuses on understanding the cultural and ecological values of sacred groves in Ziro Valley.
Methodology: The study is descriptive in nature and basically relies on primary data. Primary data was collected by conducting non-structured interviews among the elders of both genders, priest (Nyibu) and their helper (Gora). The observation method was used to understand the status of sacred groves and the kind of species found in those sacred groves.
Result and Discussion: Apatani preserved a large area of Ziro Valley as sacred groves. The size of the sacred groves varies from a single tree to an area of about several square meters. Most of these sacred groves are owned and maintained by clan members. Each category of sacred groves is associated with certain taboos. Differential accessibility to these sacred groves for different sexes is also found in this present study. Maximum sacred groves are believed to be the abode of supernatural beings or deities. Some sacred groves are even associated with festivals that start and end in these sacred groves.
Landi Pussang Monia, Tage Ronya & Md Asghar*
Department of Anthropology, Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh-791112
DOI-DS: 09.2024-19978935
DOI Link :: https://doi-ds.org/doilink/09.2024-19978935/FrontierAnthropology/2024/13/A2
Frontier Anthropology, 2024, 13: 5-13
©Anthropological Society of Manipur
Original Article
Manuscript Timeline
Submitted: May 30, 2024
Accepted: September 1, 2024
Published: September 9, 2024